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Science & Scientists

Showing 1-7 of 7 titles.
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Everything I Couldn't Tell You

Revived from a coma after a traumatic event, Megan’s injuries leave her capable of great violence, forcing her desperate physician Cassandra to recruit Alison, an Indigenous clinician, as her consultant. ...

The Enchanted Loom

The Sri Lankan civil war has left many scars on Thangan and his family, most noticeably the loss of his eldest son and the crippling epileptic seizures brought on by his torture. As the final days of ...

Sequence (Second Edition)

“Luck is like irony. Not everybody who thinks they got it, got it.”

Theo has been named Time Magazine’s Luckiest Man Alive. For twenty consecutive years he has successfully bet double or nothing ...


By Vern Thiessen
Afterword by Sandra Ionno Butcher
Subjects: History, Western Playwrights, Alberta, Science & Scientists
Casting: 6 actors
Duration: 105 hours

1957. Barely a decade after the first use of atomic bombs, the world is divided and fearful of the real threat of nuclear weaponry. In an effort to understand the devastating effects of radiation, leading ...

Category E

By Belinda Cornish
Introduction by Ruth Bratt
Subjects: Women Writers, Western Playwrights, Alberta, Horror, Science & Scientists
Casting: 3 actors
Duration: 90 hours

I didn’t think we got to have names.

Two human test subjects—Corcoran, a half-blind paraplegic, and Filigree, a clinical psychopath—coexist in a laboratory cell. They are sterilized, property of ...

Waiting Room

Chrissie and Jeremy have spent a great deal of time in shock, waiting—for news of their baby daughter’s post-operation recovery, for weekly scans to show that her tumour is gone, for robotic forty-five-second ...

Einstein's Gift

A revolutionary chemist, Dr. Fritz Haber discovered too late that when his knowledge was put in the hands of the wrong people, millions would die; his efforts to serve humanity futile against political ...