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Happy Anniversary

It’s Carlos and Marta’s twelfth wedding anniversary, yet while Marta yearns to tango, Carlos insists on the comfort of routine. As their story unfolds through a mosaic of memories, we see what began ...

Power Moves

This collection of essays focuses how dance and movement engage and enact political questions around agency, mobility, pedagogy, and resistance. Committed to crossing disciplinary boundaries, Power Moves ...

Staging Coyote's Dream Volume 3

On the twentieth anniversary of its first volume, Staging Coyote’s Dream Volume III is a curated collection of new works rooted in Indigenous values, aesthetics, and narrative structures. Inspired by ...

The Black Drum

Hailed as the world’s first Deaf musical—told entirely in American Sign Language and Signed Music—The Black Drum revolves around Joan and her journey to healing after the death of her wife, Karen. ...