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A contemporary, lyrical love story, Charley Miles's play Blackthorn explores the changes and choices that pull us from the places and people we love.

First seen at Leeds Playhouse (formerly the West Yorkshire ...


It's 1979, rubbish is on the streets of Bristol, and it's tricky being Fiz. She's thirteen, she's got no money, her sister's pregnant and her mum thinks she's a waste of space...

Rick remembers what it's ...

Wendy & Peter Pan

Adapted by Ella Hickson
Original author J.M. Barrie

Winter 1908. Snow is falling across London. Wendy Darling and her brothers sleep peacefully in their bedroom, as their parents bicker downstairs. In a sudden flurry of snow their window blows open, and ...

Bad Roads

In the darkest recesses of Ukraine, a war is raging.

A journalist takes a research trip to the front line. Teenage girls wait for soldiers on benches. A medic mourns her lover killed in action.

Natal'ya ...


In the ruins of a garden in rural England, in a house which was once a home, one woman searches for seeds of hope.

Mike Bartlett's play Albion was premiered in October 2017 at the Almeida Theatre, London, ...


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Out of Love

A tale of friendship, love and rivalry over thirty years from award-winning playwright Elinor Cook.

Lorna and Grace do everything together. They share crisps, cigarettes and crushes. That's what happens ...


A play about families and particle physics.

Alice is a scientist. She lives in Geneva. As the Large Hadron Collider starts up in 2008, she is embarking on the most exciting work of her life, searching ...

The Fishermen

In a small Nigerian town, Ben and Obembe, along with their two older brothers, slip away to fish at a forbidden river. Unnoticed and carefree, they keep coming back until one day a madman's prophecy changes ...


** Our submission window is currently closed. For more information about when submissions will reopen please scroll down to see all dates for 2024. **

Playwrights Canada Press publishes new plays. We ...