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Stories are carried like cargo on trains from the Rocky Mountains to the East Coast in this cautionary tale of what happens when we’re haunted by the hunger for the ever-greater development and exploitation ...

Lion In The Streets

Seventeen years ago, Isobel was murdered at the tender age of nine. Now she finds herself back in her previous life as a ghost searching for the person responsible for her untimely death. But this time ...

Interdependent Magic

Interdependent Magic: Disability Performance in Canada is a collection of plays and interviews by, for, and about Disabled theatre artists that invites readers into the magical worlds of Disability arts ...

Noughts & Crosses (Sabrina Mahfouz/Pilot Theatre version)

Sephy and Callum sit together on a beach. They are in love. It is forbidden.

Sephy is a Cross and Callum is a Nought. Between Noughts and Crosses there are racial and social divides. A segregated society ...

Prodigal Son

When a troubled but gifted boy from the South Bronx arrives at a private school in New Hampshire, two faculty members wrestle with how to help him adjust to his new environment. The boy is violent, brilliant, ...

Mariya Khomutova

Ukrainian actor and playwright Mariya Khomutova started her theatre studies in Odesa at the age of twelve. She graduated from the Kyiv National Theatre University in 2012 and worked in two repertoire ...

Drama Menu: Second Helpings

160 all-new games and exercises from the author of the bestselling companion for drama teachers and workshop leaders, offering more than one million unique and tasty combinations, ready to be put into ...

Pedro Chamale

Pedro Chamale (he/him) was born and raised on Treaty 8 territory, colonially known as Chetwynd, BC, and now lives on the lands of the Qayqayt First Nations, New Westminster, BC. He creates on the unceded ...

Kris Vanessa Teo Xin-En

Kris Vanessa Teo Xin-En (张欣恩) is a Singaporean Chinese settler based in Moh’kins’tsis, Treaty 7 territory // Calgary, Alberta. She moves between many roles, such as playwright, performer, director, ...